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Jasmine writes for The Robin Report, Sourcing Journal, the Vend blog, Payment Depot, and many others. Her thought leadership is published in a wide variety of online publications – from Fiverr to Retail Insider to Multichannel Merchant. She is the go-to writer for CEOs and marketing managers looking for fresh thought leadership in the retail/tech industries. She also writes long-form content, such as ebooks and whitepapers, for multiple consulting firms in retail-adjacent industries.

Reach out via our contact form for a quote on your next written project. 

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How Can Retailers Attract the Digital Generation?

When did a career in retail become so unappealing for young folks? Today, a staggering 87 percent of retail leaders are worried about talent shortages.


2021 Forecast: Next Gens in a Brand-New World

Gen Z is in dire straits. They’re facing the second major economic recession of their lifetimes.




A Tale of Two Generations

The young versus their older counterparts is a tale as old as time. But the balance is changing with a Boomer generation practicing wellness and experiencing longevity (the pandemic notwithstanding).


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Purpose-Driven Retail

Purpose-driven retail is more than just a buzzword… it’s the new standard. Contrary to popular belief, purpose-driven retail and conscious capitalism are not the same thing. 


The Mom Whisperer: Evereve’s Secret Sauce

How many retailers do you know that were founded and inspired by a woman who found herself crying alone with a baby stroller in a dressing room?


Is Kanye’s New Gap Collaboration Dead on Arrival?

It’s supposed to be the collaboration of the decade.


Face Masks Make a Statement

Despite the evidence, few of us saw the face mask boom coming.


Are You There, Retailers?

It's Me... A Millennial HENRY

Millennial HENRYs (High Earners Not Rich Yet) felt broke before the COVID outbreak.


5 Challenges Retailers Face in Giving Customers What They Want

It's 2020, and omni-channel retailing is the bare minimum when it comes to meeting consumer's growing expectations.


Unique Expectations of the Gen Z Workforce

There's a retail labor shortage the likes of which we haven't seen in
two decades.


Is Amazon Finally On Its Way Out?

Amazon is the most controversial retailer of the modern era.



Curated DTC Brands Struggle to Reach Profitibility

Memberships, Subscriptions, and Loyalty... Oh my!

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Retail's New Hypebeast: Instagram Product Launch Alerts

Instagram is rolling out a new pilot program in the U.S. to help brands generate excitement for their product drops.


Here's What Recent Store Closures Have in Common

Retailers that are going bankrupt or shuttering stores this year may not appear to have many similarities at first glance.


The Future of Retail Lies with Artisans, but the Big Guys Can Still Cash In

Artisans are uniquely positioned to benefit from the new retail model.


Does a Brand Need to Die Before it can be Ressurrected?

Legacy brands that shattered stores are launching under new concepts.


Identifying Trends for the

Trend-Averse Generation

The generation with the most buying power sets the trends.


Diesel Finds Success with Real

Knock-Offs Pop-Up Store

If you can't beat them,

co-opt them. 


Millennials Spend like Crazy

on their Fur Babies

Sales of pet products are on the rise.


Luxury Brands Struggle with Product Quality

Inflation has luxury companies in a challenging limbo. In this environment, a product’s bottom line value proposition has to mean more  than buying from a luxury brand, right? 


DIY Is Back in a Big Way, With a
Few New Spins

Consumers are still trapped at home and they’re picking up some new hobbies. The DIY market is booming, and Euromonitor predicts that DIY sales will grow by 6.1 percent globally in the new year.


Let Them Eat Cake: Luxury Spend Is Up Among Next-Gens

Next-gens may fear economic uncertainty, but that’s not stopping them from making high ticket purchases. 


Don't Fear the 5G: Radiation Isn’t Radioactivity & Other Fun Facts

It may be the most hilariously misunderstood technology of

this generation.


Is J.Crew Adapting, Or Abandoning its Signature Style?

J.Crew was one of the most beloved brands of the early aughts. But the preppy retailer fell hard and fast, filing for bankruptcy during the height of the coronavirus crisis last year. 


A Mental Health Crisis: Gen Z and Coronavirus

The hot topic on everyone’s minds is: why won’t Gen Z stay inside?


When Did The Gap Turn into Old Navy?

Gap is struggling. CNBC reported that Gap’s stock had fallen by more than 25% over the past year before the
coronavirus outbreak.


Coronavirus: The Changing of the Guards, Still Not the Apocalypse

Coronavirus hit the U.S. fast and hard, with many states and individual retailers closing up shop until further notice.


Do You Need to Invest in a New Order Management System?

Improving the customer experience has become a mantra for retailers lately.


Never Be Too Busy to Answer that Shopper Call

Consumers have run out
of patience.


The New Mobile: What Gen Z Wants From In-App Retail

This year Gen Z will surpass millennials as the largest generation.



Which Demographic Won't Do Their Holiday Shopping Online?

The holiday season has been synonymous with shopping since the invention of the gold coin. 

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Consumers Use New Criteria to Evaluate Apparel

Fast fashion is finally on its way out and the cost-per-wear value metric is making a comeback.


Gender Norms in Retail

Alienate Gen Z

The dissolution of gender norms is one of the most contentious topics in retail today.


Down-Market Luxury Brands Trudge their Way Back Upstream


It's a challenging market for luxury brands.


Traditional Loyalty Programs

are Passe, Here's What's Next

Looking forward to what is next...


Millennials are Getting Bored with Start-Ups

Everyone wants to be part of a brand's come up story nowadays.

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Time for a Refresh:

Four Ways to Repurpose Content

Give new life to old content.


The Great Retail Simplification


Remember when everyone was talking about the great retail “bifurcation?


Logging Off For Good: Is Post-Covid Social Media Fatigue a Thing?

It’s hard to go on social media these days without seeing a bunch of posts about quitting social media.


Will Corporate America Continue to Steer Social Policy?

Remember when retail and politics were separate entities?


The Retail Workforce of the Future

Millennials and Gen Z make up around half of the global workforce.


Combating Climate Change Through Sustainable Technology

Welcome to the dystopia that is the earth in 2021.



Millenial and Gen Z Trust in a Newly Reopened World

It’s a strange time to come of age, but Gen Z is doing just that in a world on lockdown.


Gen Z Has Been Prepping for Coronavirus All Their Lives

Funny thing about Generation Z/iGen consumers: they always shopped as if they were preparing for a cataclysmic global event.


Sustainable Supply Chains? No Longer an Oxymoron

3 Steps for getting started with sustainability.


Is Your Delivery Experience Falling Short in the Last Mile?

There's a big opportunity to differentiate your retail business through shipping and delivery
right now.


Retail Communications Solutions: Getting Trim in the New Year

What is your New Years Resolution?


Doing It Right: Mixed Use Retail Spaces for Millenials

It's time that retailers learn what real estate investors already know: Mixed use retail spaces are the mall of the future.


Peloton Outpaces SoulCycle: What This Means for Retail

Peloton is giving the cult of SoulCycle a run for their money.

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Fewer Than Half of Returned Goods Are Resold at Full Price: Here's Why

Consumer expectations are putting many online brands out of business.


Can Retailers Pander to Gen Z Without Scaring Off Boomers?

It's easy to talk about different generations as though they are diametrically opposed.


What Comes After the
Thrifting Trend?


The resale market has grown at 21x the pace of the mainstream apparel market in the last three years.


It's Time for Retailers to Broadcast Their Deficiencies

Radical transparency is disrupting the retail industry.


Is Off-Price Out of Luck When it Comes to Inventory?

The Off-Price sector is performing stronger than ever.


What the Apparel Industry has Learned About Hurricanes

Weather is a 365-day concern for retailers.

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